If you're thinking about starting your own travel business then no doubt you're grappling with a whole range of issues you need to consider - starting with should I work with a host or mobile agency, or should I go it alone and begin entirely under my own steam? To help answer this first question check out our page on 'what is a host agency?'
Other key considerations in going it alone are the different elements of what you'll need just to get started, let alone whats required to maintain and grow a business.
Lets begin with a quick and deliberately simple checklist of what you'll need to start operating your business.
- a good quality website
- contracts with a mid office/booking system and GDS provider
- membership/contract with a buying group
- accounting and marketing advice
- setup with major suppliers and industry organisations
- a contract with a bank to accept credit card payments
- indemnity insurance
Setting these up yourself not only takes valuable time but also a significant financial commitment. And of course there are many other considerations, such as who do you turn to when you need help.
The other, and increasingly more popular option is to work with a host agency who can provide you with all of the above and more, in a fraction of the time and for one generally low start up fee plus a percentage of your sales commissions.
To assist you in making an informed decision we've put together our top 10 reasons why it makes good business sense to work with a host agency.
Top 10 reasons why a Host Agency can be good for your travel business
Your brand not ours
With a host agency you trade under your own name and we only market your business, under your trading name, not ours. Therefore any independent marketing you choose to do is building your own brand equity and if you ever decide to move your business, or sell it, you will have a tangible asset with a brand you have built over time.
One of the primary benefits of a host agency - we provide a comprehensive suite of technology solutions ready to go at start up. Including your own personalised and customisable website fully updated for you; a Mid office/CRM and bookings management system with features such as automated consultant reminders and automated client notifications along with advanced customer profiling; Choice of 3 GDS's - Galileo, Sabre or Amadeus; Intranet for access to information and resources.
Our own in house product manager ensuring all web offers are current and refreshed fortnightly. Email marketing done for you with your own business name, logo and contact details always featured.
A comprehensive program of online training modules and printed materials will take you step by step through our systems, as well as covering subjects like basic travel procedures, marketing, business plans, and specialist modules like groups training. Invitations to further educational opportunities like cruise ship inspections are provided on a regular basis.
Keep in touch with your peers via a closed user Facebook page and regular conference calls organized by headquarters; access to preferred supplier representatives
Low start up costs
Our setup fee of $695 and ongoing monthly fee of just $200 or $100 is great value and the easiest way you will ever start your own business. And you retain up to 80% of all commissions earned.
Buying power
As members of Magellan, a wholly owned subsidiary of Helloworld, we receive favourable deals from our extensive list of preferred suppliers, including cruise lines, tour companies, hotel suppliers and more.
1 agreement - multiple providers
Your one simple agreement with us encompasses our individual contracts with our GDS, mid office provider, ticketing consolidators, IT support, insurance and more
Client Accounting
With our unique reservation system and headquarters support your client receipts, supplier payments, commission receipts and more are taken care of for you.
Peace of Mind
As a member of AFTA and ATAS we are recognised as accredited travel professionals. This means our agents also adhere to the highest standards in the industry. Our services include Professional Indemnity Insurance to protect you personally.

Your own Website
Discover our market leading suite of technology tools including live airfare and cruise booking engine on your website

Marketing Muscle
Your own stand alone customisable website and personalised email newsletter delivered to your clients for you

What is a Host Agency?
We support agents in running their own business, promoting their own brand, website, logo and services

About Us
As a host agency we help you build your own business, promoting your own brand, not ours. It's what sets us apart

Learn & Grow
We offer a ongoing program of training & guidance to help you develop professionally and personally

Take a Video Tour
Find out more in this 3 minute video tour